Your Performance Marketing Experts
for Eventorganizers
Evening Marketing - Passionate about events
Since 2013
5000+ Customers
30000+ Campaigns

From now on, online marketing for your event is no longer this annoying issue.
We'll take care of it.
Every event has its specific audience. We make sure the people who see your ads are the ones who fit your event.
We don't just set up your ads - we also constantly monitor them. Efficient campaigns = less costs + more results for you!
Learn what works and replicate successes. This only works with proven analysis and tracking mechanisms. We set that up for you too.
Let's connect people for truly unique experiences.
With our focus on campaign automation and data-driven analysis, we systematically get the best out of your campaigns.
Due to our specialisation in event organizers as customers, we know many tricks of the trade as well as the (buying) behaviour of the audience in the event sector.
Experience from over 30,000 event campaigns on Facebook and Instagram alone
Nina Gisela-Cäcilie van Doorn
We have been working with Abend.net for years and it works great for us! The support is also always super fast and I can always express wishes etc. MERCI
Moritz Muggenthaler
I regularly book campaigns for our events (festivals, concerts, parties) with Abend.net and am completely satisfied! I can only recommend it!
Anna Harbaum
Simply TOP. Super customer service. Highly recommended if you have no time or no idea. Thank you!
What would you like to do?
Save time
We create your campaigns & suitable target groups for your events within a few hours - based on our many years of experience.
Save money
Your campaigns don't just run on their own. We personally monitor and optimize every single campaign - saving you money.
Take it easy
We take care of it. You can pursue your other tasks with peace of mind, knowing that you have your competent contact person in Abend at all times.
You're not just looking for a tool, but a permanent partner for your marketing?
Contact us!
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